Clare Goes Vintage for charity

Clare gets more vintage!

Recently opened vintage shop in Clare, The Eye of Time is putting on a special 1930’s cabaret event for charity in the Clare Town Hall.

The event will feature internationally acclaimed cabaret artist Mr Pustra accompanied by special guest accordionist Tom Baker, in a production called Kabarett der Namenlosen (Cabaret of the Nameless).  The 30’s theme will draw on inspiration from Berlin nightclubs from this period.

Shop proprietor Vanessa Howard said;

“Mr Pustra kindly opened my store to a raving audience so it was only right to get him back for more.”

Vanessa plans to use the evening to fund raise for Macmillan Cancer Support having personal reasons for the charity choice.

Following the cabaret will be 30’s dancing to the sounds from Swing Shaft, resident DJ at Twinwoods, a licenced bar and raffle.

Vanessa continued,

“Many people have mentioned in the store that there are very few reasons to get really dressed up these days, so hoping that this event is a good enough reason to dress up and enjoy a little glamour from the past.”


click here for more details-